About Us

We are a group of programmers united by a passion for creating innovative software.

Datapolis was founded in 2001. We have been creating and developing proprietary software systems for over 20 years.

In 2008 we released Datapolis Process System – a system that revolutionizes thinking about business processes. Datapolis Process System has been implemented in hundreds of companies on all continents and Datapolis was named HOT VENDOR of the Year by Aragon Research in 2018.

For several years, we have been developing a new product based on our own ideas and experience: Datapolis Workflow.

With Datapolis Workflow, we want to enable companies around the world to easily and conveniently create and deploy business processes based on Microsoft 365 platform.

Contact us:

Datapolis.com sp. z o.o.
ul. Dzielna 21/121a
01-029 Warszawa

email: office@datapolis.com

NIP: 5272336739

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